Huwebes, Pebrero 20, 2014


Change. Change. Change.
                 "There is nothing permanent in life except change," said philosopher Heraclitus. Others have called change or variety as 'the spice of life'. So, changes (shuffle or reshuffle) in the government from time to time should come as no surprise to anyone, though changes in the political arena are often viewed with suspicion.
                   Change is in the very nature of being. Every new day is different from the previous day. Body metabolism is one such process as also growth of trees and revolving of planets. Tides come and go. Sometimes a whole river changes its course as was the case with itself.
                 The great insight of enlightened,  as the everything that is, will change and the changed will change further. Hence, one must neither get attached to joy (happiness) because that will pass away; nor get depressed with sorrow (suffering) because that too will pass away. Nothing is really permanent in this world.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 5, 2014


What Does Kannawidan Means?

In every hometown, province or even the whole region has its own celebration promoting their different cultures and beliefs. As the month of January ends, the celebration starts to tremble! Cause the Kannawidan starts to shout out loud.

But what does Kannawidan means? It means a lot but it only takes one meaning for this word to all Ilocandia. The word means “nakaugalian” or imply in English, “have already worn out”. Meaning the different cultures that has been worn out by Ilocano’s.

In every festivities, there is hidden word which promotes its culture.

Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014


Be Responsible and Be Lucky for 2014

When the clock strikes at 11:30, people start preparing the table for Media Noche. Children take their Toro tots and any material used to create noise. Adults try to light some explosions, fireworks or firecrackers and even pinch the gun into the sky. But what about me?

Some people say that they should have to list down their new year’s resolution and change their lies for the better. But for me, I go visit our church and thank god for what I had received on 2013. I asked guidance and not just for the sake of me, my family and friends but also for the unfortunate people. I do pity them. Lastly, I would promise that I would be a better person. For that war freaky girl, irresponsible child and student….. Would turn into a better person.

I would try my best lust to change. I’m going to wash out the bad memories before but never the lesson I’ve ever learn.

Martes, Enero 14, 2014


One Cycle More
Last grading period, I burst out my performance for the better because I know I should pursue myself to get a higher grades than before. And now?
I think I have already did a great job thus third periodical grading period. But my lost was, I’m not attentive in class. I am more absent than for being present I my classes. Well, I admit it. But I am doing my part as a student and I think I did it not as well as my performance in last grading period.
And it has one cycle more to prove to myself that I can survive and I can get a higher grades as I wish.

Martes, Enero 7, 2014

Essence of Christmas


 As  It Gets Nearer and Nearer I Feel DEPRESSED!

          Gifts? Oh! When I was young I actually received many gifts but as I am getting older, I'll be the one to send gifts.
          Oh yeah! I really feel depressed this coming Christmas. I am not able to save money for this special day. I have nothing to give for my friends and for my loved ones as well. But, honestly we are celebrating this special day with our family. We are celebrating Jesus Christ, our savior's birthday. That's why on this day we should set aside our pain for our enemies and spread the happiness and love instead! Not only by giving them gifts but also for lending them a shoulder to lean on. Most especially for those typhoon victims. It doesn't matter if how much do we spend for buying foods, gifts, decorations, and anything.
          Let us just try to save for them. Spend the Christmas Vacation wisely!!!!


 It’s Just Only a WARNING Not Yet PUNISHMENT…
          Inhale... Exhale...  Inhale... Exhale… How do you feel so? Isn’t it refreshing? Yes, not so. It’s because of the warning of the nature. It’s the climate change. And remember, it’s just only a WARNING not yet PUNISHMENT…
           Enough everyone. Don’t you care about future? We must need to be attentive and stop doing nonsense things which is tolerating the world.  Of course, the world wouldn’t any stain revolving around it. Cause we are all careless persons. Even though it hurts, it’s the truth. If we continue doing senseless things which is about the destroying the green-blue earth.  Then be alert. Who knows the moment that we opened our eyes, a blackening earth will welcome us. So let us change the climate. There’s no small action if it’s for the betterment of everyone of us. Can you dare looking for the next generation on their sufferings? Can you stare at them? Of not, then stop! Feel the earth and act.
                We must help the world to survive not just only for WORDS but also in action.

Linggo, Enero 5, 2014


Let's Take A Journey

             Who does not want a journey? Well, everyone of us is thirst for a journey! And of course we should learn to communicate to others as we are having fun for beautiful places that we had taken or ever seen.
            Hmmm. As we all know, ENGLISH Languages have been the universal language. And we also know that we, the Filipinoes are placed as the third placer for being the most intelligent nationalities all over the world! Imagine?? For many Overseas Filipino Workers in all over the world, we are also spreading the goodness of being a Filipino Citizen! We can communicate to others because we are all good in speaking. So, as we are facing the world, we do not lost or I mean easily fool by anyone else! Because we are good, intelligent and wise! Haaay!! What a beatiful journey and we dont even lost I men FOOL! :D
            So, would you dare to join me??? Ha! Ha! Ha!